Welcome to our new Operations Assistant, Kiarah Kimmel

Hi all! My name is Kiarah Kimmel, and I have recently joined the IJCC as the new Operations Assistant.

I’m excited to be part of the IJCC and I look forward to getting more involved with the Chamber’s mission and growth. My background is in International Relations and Politics, and I hold a deep personal interest in global business development and ethical sustainability, so I’m eager to become a core part of the IJCC and provide support across all areas and functions.

I was born and raised in the United States and spent a few years in Japan and the UK during my time in university. Originally, my appreciation for Ireland and Irish culture was through music, literature, and history, which then naturally drew my interest to Ireland’s ties and the development of Irish businesses in the global stage.

I look forward to representing the unique interests of both Ireland and Japan and strengthening their long-standing relationship. I will appreciate everyone’s support as I settle into my new role as Operations Assistant!

You can connect with me on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiarah-k-b02151226/


皆さん、こんにちは!新しくIJCCのOperations Assistantとして加わりましたキアラ・キメルです。




Operations Assistantとして新しい役割に就くにあたり、皆様のご支援に感謝申し上げます。
