• Emerald Ball

The Emerald Ball Tokyo

Please join us for the 25th Emerald Ball in Tokyo. A celebration of all things Irish. A night of music and Craic.

This IJCC supported event is a commemorative event of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ireland and Japan.

This will be the 25th Emerald Ball in Tokyo and we are very proud to be able to sustain this high profile and uniquely Irish event. The ball is one of the highlights of the calendar for the Irish community and their friends in Tokyo. It is a celebration of the friendship and cultural ties between Ireland and Japan. The Emerald Ball is one part of a larger weekend of festivities in the Tokyo area, including parades and the I Love Ireland Festival in Yoyogi park.  Just as importantly, the Emerald Ball provides a means for the community to give back to the various charities we have supported over the years. Finally, while the Emerald Ball is a chance to celebrate St Patrick’s Day (our national holiday) and all that it means to be Irish, you by no means have to be Irish to attend. As long as you enjoy having a good time among friends, you are most welcome!

Please like our facebook page to keep up-to-date with the latest news...



Individual: ¥27,000 per person

Early booking: ¥24,000 per person. (Book by January 31st to secure a ticket at the early booking discount!)

How to register:

Register online http://www.emeraldballtokyo.net/tickets-enquiries.html

Further information:

Please see http://www.emeraldballtokyo.net/

Event Details

  • Mar 18th 2017
    Register by Mar 10th 2017
  • 18:30
  • Tokyo American Club
  • Individual: ¥27,000 per person Early booking: ¥24,000 per person. (Book by January 31st to secure a ticket at the early booking discount!)