Notice of change to Membership structure & pricing

The Ireland Japan Chamber of Commerce are delighted to announce, that at our Annual General Meeting held on 30th May 2024, our members voted in favour of implementing substantial changes to our membership categories and pricing. 

The changes are designed to ensure that the IJCC membership categories and pricing reflect the IJCC's stated aim of being an inclusive organisation that caters for all business sizes, from sole traders, early-stage growth businesses, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), to large Corporates in Japan and Ireland.

In addition, individual membership categories and prices have been designed to ensure that the IJCC network and membership activities are accessible to all individuals, whether you are a student considering your career opportunities, a more experienced professional in a large Corporate or SME, or a young professional working as an ALT or CIR in a regional area of Japan.

Furthermore, the IJCC recognise the vital role that NGOs, Universities, Cultural organisations, and the hardworking Irish Pub and Restaurant owners play in promoting Ireland and Irish brands in Japan. We have tailored the new categories and types in our membership to meet the diversity of our members.

Our board also wanted to take actionable steps to highlight the changes needed in progressing diversity, equity and inclusion. We will be offering discounts to female individual members to highlight the gender pay gap in Ireland and Japan in accordance with the Global Gender Gap Report issued by the World Economic Forum.

To see further details on the above, please visit:


The IJCC would like to thank all our members for their role in creating an open and inclusive organisation.

If you have any questions or comments on our 2024 membership categories and pricing, please feel free to let us know.

For non-members, we would love for you to become part of the IJCC community.


Please get in touch or apply for membership here: