GUINNESS Virtual Academy – Event Report

12月10日(木)、IJCCは当会議所法人会員のDiageo Kirin Co. Ltd. 様ご共催の下、「GUINNESS Virtual Academy」を開催いたしました。

イベントでは、GUINNESSブランドアンバサダーの佐藤宜則(Sato Yoshinori)氏を迎え、アイルランド定番のスタウトビール・GUINNESSの歴史・品質・製法、そして日本で入手できるGUINNESS製品や美味しい飲み方・注ぎ方について学びました。


改めて今回ご共催いただいたDiageo Kirin Co. Ltd. 様には御礼を申し上げます。Diageo Kirin Co. Ltd.の皆様方および今回当イベントへご参加いただいた皆様方、IJCC会員およびご関係者の皆様におきましては、美味しいギネスと共に素敵なクリスマスとお正月を迎えられます事、IJCC一同お祈り申し上げます

On Thursday 10th December, the Ireland Japan Chamber of Commerce held the "GUINNESS Virtual Academy" co-sponsored by Diageo Kirin Co. Ltd., a corporate member of the IJCC.

The GUINNESS Brand Ambassador for Japan, Mr. Sato Yoshinori, gave an overview of the history, ingredients and brewing method of the dark Irish dry stout, GUINNESS, as well as demonstrated how to pour and enjoy the perfect pint of GUINNESS. 

During the "GUINNESS Virtual Academy", Mr. Sato held a challenging, engaging and fun quiz about GUINNESS, where participants had the chance to test their knowledge about the brand. Towards the end of the seminar, attendees had a chance to interact with the Brand Ambassador using the chat function, where participants asked more than 20 questions, such as which foods pair well with GUINNESS, as well as questions related to the brewing process and questions related to marketing campaigns which GUINNESS has conducted in the past.

We would like to sincerely thank Diageo Kirin Co. Ltd. for co-sponsoring this event, we are looking forward to co-hosting more events in 2021.

We wish the team at Diageo Kirin Co. Ltd, everyone who participated in this event, IJCC members and friends to have a wonderful Christmas and responsibly toast to the New Year with a perfect pint of Guinness.