Welcome our new intern Lake Mizushima

Hello everyone!

My name is Lake Mizushima, currently a fourth year student at Sophia University (上智大学), majoring in Political Science at the Faculty of Liberal Arts.  

I have an immense passion and love for global politics and international marketing through studying at an international school that consisted of about 80 nationalities, in which I got accustomed to having constant discussions and debates about different perspectives on global issues. I also love the beauty of cultural and political diversity and enjoy experiencing ideas, foods, customs and many more from around the world! My passion also comes from my family, who has been an enormous inspiration throughout my life. My mother who currently works at the World Food Programme (WFP) in the Philippines and my father doing his own IT business has given me great advice and information that has helped me find my path. 

Additionally, I have friends that I know from Ireland who have sparked my interest for Irish dancing, Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), Shepherd’s pies, and Irish businesses, which eventually led my way to the IJCC. I have also played sports most of my life, where football or soccer is my favorite sport. I am also interested in musical theatre, having watched numerous theatre shows and have also taken a theatre class myself in the past. 

I am very thankful to everyone at the IJCC for giving me this opportunity. As a social media marketing intern, I strive for excellence with a goal to be a positive influence, but also to gain knowledge and experience from the great people in the organization. I would like to hone my skills in marketing and social media to shed a beautiful light on the organization. I look forward to meeting more people and working at the IJCC. 

Please feel free to connect with me via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lake-mizushima-624389221/ 





さらにアイルランド出身の友人からアイルランドについて様々な情報をもらい、アイルランドのビジネスに興味を持ち、I J C Cを見つけました。小学生の頃からスポーツもやっていて、サッカーが一番好きです。さらにミュージカルにも興味があり、多くの舞台を見たこともあって、過去には演劇のクラスも受講したこともあります。 

