Conversation with the Ambassador of Ireland to Japan, Paul Kavanagh
On Wednesday, June 3rd, IJCC members enjoyed a Webinar with the Ambassador of Ireland to Japan, Paul Kavanagh.
The Ambassador gave an update on recent political developments in Ireland. He discussed the Covid-19 situation, status of travel between Ireland and Japan, the Ireland House project and other topics of interest.
At the end of the webinar, IJCC President Yoshihiro Tsucihya gave a sincere appreciation to the Ambassador for the informative talk and thanked him for taking questions from our members during the webinar.
Thank you, Ambassador, once again. And also thanks to the members who participated in this event!
6月3日(水)、当会議所はPaul Kavanagh駐日アイルランド大使より、ウェビナー上にてお話を頂きました。